
Your digital wallet is a secure way to 支付

Everyone wants to ensure their financial data is safe and secure. With MECU's 电子钱包, you can tap to 支付 wherever you see this symbol . 您的身份信息(您的姓名), 安全代码, or MECU account number) is not transmitted to the merchant when you tap to 支付. 开始就像1、2、3一样简单! 
下载 app, add your card, start 支付ing. 就这么简单!
Make shopping trips faster by having your card at your fingertips.
它是安全的! Merchants will never receive your card information, just a token.




You'll need a supported i电话 or iPad to add your MECU信用合作社 credit or debit card to 苹果支付. Open the Wallet® app, swipe down, tap the plus sign. Use your camera to enter the 卡号 or add it manually.


下载 谷歌 Pay应用 from the 谷歌玩 Store to add your MECU credit or debit card to 谷歌 Pay. Snap a picture or enter your card credentials. If your MECU card is already linked to your 谷歌账户, you can add it to the 谷歌 Pay应用 by confirming a few details.


添加您的MECU信用卡或借记卡到 三星支付, download through 三星 Galaxy App Store or 谷歌玩 Store. Snap a picture or enter your card credentials.

How to Use 苹果, 谷歌, or 三星 Pay in Participating Stores

  1. 寻找薪资浪潮  or 苹果, 谷歌, or 三星支付 symbol at checkout and hold your phone near the contactless reader.

  2.  Place your finger on the TouchID or use FACE ID. 您也可以输入密码.

  3. Keep your phone by the reader until it vibrates and beeps, indicating your 支付ment was accepted.


  • 支持的i电话或iPad
  • Touch ID, Face ID, or passcode on your device
  • iCloud账户
对于谷歌 Pay:
  • Android设备,操作系统为KitKat或更高版本
  • 谷歌账户
  • 合适的三星设备
  • 三星或谷歌账户
You can use your MECU credit and debit cards, including our business credit and debit cards.
  • 进入“设置-钱包” & 苹果支付.”
  • 点击“默认卡”.”
  • 选择你的卡片.
对于谷歌 Pay:
  • 去 支付.谷歌.com.
  • 在顶部,单击 付款方法. You may need to expand your browser window.
  • 下一个 to the 支付ment method you want to edit, click 编辑.
    • If you don’t find "编辑," remove the 支付ment method and add it again.
  • 更新过期卡: 在卡片旁边,点击 修复. Enter the month (MM), year (YY), 安全代码.
  • 打开手机上的三星支付. 
  • 点击“菜单”,然后点击“卡片”. 
  • 选择您想要的支付卡. 
  • Tap More Options to add or remove the card from Favorite Cards.
Returns are handled in the same manner as how you purchased. Once the amount of the return is calculated by the merchant, select the card from your Wallet and hover your device over the card reader or NFC reader to complete the return.
是的. 当您使用这些服务时, your MECU 卡号 is not stored on your phone or given to the merchant. A unique digital code is created specifically for that device. You still enjoy all the benefits of your MECU credit or debit card, which includes our Zero Liability policy that protects you from unauthorized purchases.
Since these 服务s do not store your credit or debit 卡号 on the device, 你从不透露你的名字, 卡号, 或者给商家提供安全码.
The 服务 is free, but message and data rates may apply, depending on your data plan.